COBOL - Opções de compilação - RENT

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Desenvolvido por DORNELLES Carlos Alberto - Analista de Sistemas - Brasília DF. -

Opções de compilação - RENT

A program compiled as RENT is generated as a reentrant object program.
A program compiled as NORENT is generated as a nonreentrant object program.
Either a reentrant or a nonreentrant program can be invoked as a main program or as a subprogram.

RENT option syntax

Default is: RENT

Abbreviations are: None

DATA and RMODE settings:
The RENT option interacts with other compiler options that affect storage and its addressability.
When a reentrant program is to be run with extended addressing, you can use the DATA(24|31) option to control whether dynamic data areas are allocated in unrestricted storage or in storage obtained from below 16 MB.
Compile programs with RENT or RMODE(ANY) if they will be run with extended addressing in virtual storage addresses above 16 MB.

RENT also affects the RMODE (residency mode) of your generated object program.
All Enterprise COBOL programs are AMODE ANY.

The setting of the DATA option does not affect programs compiled with NORENT.

For information about which Enterprise COBOL programs need to be reentrant, see the related task below about making programs reentrant.

Link-edit considerations:
If all programs in a load module are compiled with RENT, it is recommended that the load module be link-edited with the RENT linkage-editor or binder option.
(Use the REUS linkage-editor or binder option instead if the load module will also contain any non-COBOL programs that are serially reusable.)

If any program in a load module is compiled with NORENT, the load module must not be link-edited with the RENT or REUS link-edit attributes.
The NOREUS linkage-editor or binder option is needed to ensure that the CANCEL statement will guarantee a fresh copy of the program on a subsequent CALL.

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