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Customer Information Control System (CICS) - Glossário

Adaptado por DORNELLES Carlos Alberto - Analista de Sistemas - Brasília DF. -

Letra V
variable length variable blocked (VLVB)
Data format of messages transmitted between CICS and IMS.
The act of confirming that a user is eligible to use a RACF-defined userid.
(1) In the CICSPlex SM API, a temporary, customized form of a resource table. A view can consist of some or all of the resource table attributes in any order.
(2) In the CICSPlex SM ISPF end-user interface, a formatted display of selected data about CICS resources or CICSPlex SM definitions. The data in a view is obtained from a query and can be presented in one or more forms. The data can be limited to a subset of CICSplex resources or definitions by establishing a context and scope.
In BMS, the area of a screen that is allocated to a partition.
virtual address
The address of a location in virtual storage. A virtual address must be translated into a real address in order to process the data in processor storage.
virtual address space
In CICS/VSE, a subdivision of the virtual address area available to the user for the allocation of private, nonshared partitions.
virtual disk
In CICS/VSE, a range of up to two gigabytes of contiguous virtual storage addresses that a program can use as workspace. Although the virtual disk exists in storage, it appears as a real FBA disk device to the user program. All I/O operations directed to a virtual disk are intercepted and the data to be written to, or read from, the disk is moved to or from a data space. Like a data space, a virtual disk can hold only user data; it does not contain shared areas, system data or programs. Unlike an address space or a data space, data is not directly addressable on a virtual disk. To manipulate data on a virtual disk, the program has to perform I/O operations.
virtual lookaside facility (VLF)
MVS/ESA facility that manages the data space associated with library lookaside (LLA).
virtual machine (VM)
A functional simulation of a computer and its associated devices.
Virtual Machine/System Product (VM/SP)
An IBM operating system that supplies a virtual machine to each logged-on user.
virtual partition
In CICS/VSE, a division of the dynamic area of virtual storage.
virtual storage
The storage space that can be regarded as addressable main storage by the user of a computer system in which virtual addresses are mapped into real addresses. The size of virtual storage is limited by the addressing scheme of the computer system and by the amount of auxiliary storage available, not by the actual number of main storage locations. See also storage, main storage.
Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM)
An access method for direct or sequential processing of fixed and variable-length records on direct access devices. The records in a VSAM data set or file can be organized in logical sequence by a key field (key sequence), in the physical sequence in which they are written on the data set or file (entry-sequence), or by relative-record number.
virtual storage constraint relief (VSCR)
The movement of areas of code or control blocks to storage above the 16MB line, or the reduction of code or control blocks below the 16MB line. These actions increase the storage available for user programs and data that use 24-bit addressing.
Virtual Storage Extended (VSE)
A system that consists of a basic operating system (VSE/Advanced Functions) and any IBM supplied and user-written programs required to meet the data processing needs of a user. VSE and the hardware it controls form a complete computing system. Its current version is called VSE/ESA.
virtual storage paging
A technique used by CICS in a virtual storage environment. The key objective of programming in this environment is the reduction of page faults. A page fault occurs when a program refers to instructions or data that do not reside in real storage, in which case, the page in virtual storage that contains the referenced instructions or data must be paged into real storage. The more paging required, the lower the overall system performance.
Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM)
An IBM licensed program that controls communication and the flow of data in an SNA network. It provides single-domain, multiple-domain, and interconnected network capability.
See virtual lookaside facility (VLF).
See variable length variable blocked (VLVB).
See virtual machine.
See Virtual Machine/System Product (VM/SP).
volume switch
Action taken by CICS to archive a journal data set when it is full, while continuing to write to a second data set.
See Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM).
VSAM record-level sharing, an access mode supported by DFSMS to allow multiple applications to share data sets, with data locking at the record level. Access to data sets is through an SMSVSAM server. See also SMSVSAM.
VSAM shared resources
Buffers and strings shared by several VSAM data files. This is defined to CICS in the file control table.
VSAM sphere
The collection of all the component data sets associated with a given VSAM base data set - the base, index, alternate indexes, and alternate index paths.
VSAM work area (VSWA)
An area that is acquired dynamically by the file control program when accessing a VSAM data set.
See virtual storage constraint relief (VSCR).
See Virtual Storage Extended (VSE).
VSE/Data Interfile Transfer, Testing, and Operations Utility (VSE/DITTO)
In CICS/VSE, an IBM licensed program that provides file-to-file services for disk, tape, and card devices.
See VSE/Data Interfile Transfer, Testing, and Operations Utility (VSE/DITTO).
VSE/ICCF (VSE/Interactive Computing and Control Facility)
In CICS/VSE, an IBM licensed program that serves as interface, on a time-slice basis, to authorized users of terminals linked to the system's processor.
VSE image
In CICS/VSE, a single copy of the VSE operating system. Note that a single processing environment can support more than one VSE image.
VSE/Interactive Computing and Control Facility
See VSE/ICCF (VSE/Interactive Computing and Control Facility).
An IBM licensed program primarily used to spool input and output. The networking functions of the program enable a VSE system to exchange files with or run jobs on another remote processor.
See VSAM work area (VSWA).
See Virtual Telecommunications Access Method (VTAM).
VTAM exit trace
A CICS exit driven by VTAM to return control after servicing a request issued by CICS. Every such exit contains a trace point. This provides a way of tracing VTAM requests made from CICS.
VTAM Performance Analysis and Reporting System (VTAMPARS)
An IBM licensed program that provides information on network traffic through the VTAM component of the network.